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Below is a simple 4- Week Bicep prioritization Program

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Here are the 5 best exercises that focus on the biceps to add after your rows and pull-downs. Use 
these and build eye popping mass.
When starting on a muscle-building program, one of the key body parts that many people want to place a large focus on are the biceps. The biceps tend to be a highly noticed muscle group by others, so if you have nicely developed arms, people are going to know you're on top of your workout game.
It is important to keep in mind that in actuality the triceps muscle comprises a very large component of the arm, so you must not neglect your triceps work either, which will then give you the perfect balance of what you need to see optimal results.
When you are aiming for maximum size, another important point to note is that lifting heavy must be placed as a priority. Since building more size is a combination of a heavy surplus, enough volume, and plenty of calories, it's a wise decision to focus on exercises that will allow you to lift the heaviest weight possible.
Usually for most people this will be exercises such as rows and lat-pull-downs, both of which do target the biceps muscles as well. If you are including these regularly with your workout program and then adding in other exercises that are specifically targeted towards the biceps muscles you will be right on track for developing the best arms you can.
Here are the five best exercises that focus on the biceps to add after your rows and pull-downs.


The first biceps exercise to perform is barbell biceps curls, which will also allow you to overload those biceps with a heavy eight. Most trainees are slightly stronger when lifting a barbell versus a set of dumbbells, so this is a great one for maximum strength development.
When doing the exercise the primary thing to focus on is that you're not cutting the movement pattern short at all and that you're not allowing momentum to cause you to lean backwards as you hoist the weight upwards.
This is one of the most common mistakes with this exercise - momentum performs more of the work than your muscles actually do. If you perform it in a slow and controlled manner, that should reduce the chances of this happening significantly and allow you to place a higher intensity deep within the muscle fibers.


The first biceps exercise to perform is barbell biceps curls, which will also allow you to overload those biceps with a heavy eight. Most trainees are slightly stronger when lifting a barbell versus a set of dumbbells, so this is a great one for maximum strength development.
When doing the exercise the primary thing to focus on is that you're not cutting the movement pattern short at all and that you're not allowing momentum to cause you to lean backwards as you hoist the weight upwards.
This is one of the most common mistakes with this exercise - momentum performs more of the work than your muscles actually do. If you perform it in a slow and controlled manner, that should reduce the chances of this happening significantly and allow you to place a higher intensity deep within the muscle fibers. 
The second exercise to add is incline dumbbell curls. This exercise is one of the best to help prevent that momentum issue from happening as we just discussed since it essentially restricts the movement of the back.
When doing this exercise you will feel maximum tension on the biceps muscle belly, so don't be surprised if the weight is slightly lower. As long as you're pushing yourself hard, using the lower weight but maintaining proper form will be the way to go for results   

If you're looking to target the deep tissue muscle fibers, cable curls are a good bet. Since the pattern of movement is less stable with this movement, due to the constant tension provided by the cable, you will call all the stabilization muscles surrounding the biceps into play as you execute the exercise.
You can use a variety of different attachments to perform the cable curls including a rope, a straight bar, or rotating cable handles that allow you to work a single arm at a time.   
After you've included regular straight rows within the program, you may also want to consider adding reverse grip rows as well. These are going to place a slightly greater stress on the biceps muscles as opposed to straight rows so they will be a better exercise for strictly targeting the biceps.
Depending on what muscle group you think of contracting as you bring the weights up to the body (the biceps or the back), that too will impact the nature of the muscle stimulus. 
Finally, the last of the exercises to consider to blast your biceps into growth areconcentration curls. When done while sitting, these will also limit the degree momentum plays in the execution of the exercise and place all the emphasis right on the biceps muscle.
There will be no helper muscles called into play when doing concentration curls (when done properly), so this is a good one to add in at the very end of your workout when you're really looking to finish off the biceps and fully exhaust them.


It wouldn't be recommended to include all of these exercises in each and every workout you do, but by interchanging them from workout to workout you will keep the stimulus high while never allowing your muscles to get too adapted. This constant change in program is what prevents a plateau and helps push your strength levels to new extremes, so do make sure you are making use of a good variety.
Below you'll find a sample arm exercise that utilizes a variety of the exercises across a few different rep and tempo ranges to fully stress your arm muscles to the max.
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Bicep Exercises for More Developed and Larger Biceps

There are only two bicep exercises that you need to implement as part of your weight training program in order to fully develop the biceps.

Bicep Exercises Bicep Exercises Bicep Exercises

By performing one lift that targets the top of the bicep, and another that targets the inner and outer bicep, you can increase the height and width of your bicep with these two bicep exercises alone.

Bicep Lift #1: Preacher Curls

Bicep Exercises Bicep Exercises

Targeted Muscles: Biceps
Auxiliary Muscles: Forearms
The preacher curl lift targets the top of the bicep that forms a "ball" when flexed and will increase the height of your biceps.
Sit or stand behind a preacher curl bench and, using a curl bar (a barbell with curves that allow for a more comfortable grip) or a regular barbell, curl the weight up as far as possible and lower it until your arms are nearly fully extended. You should feel your biceps tighten as you curl the weight upward.
Fully extending the arms can cause tendon aggravation which can result in tendinitis. Therefore, make sure to maintain a slight bend in your elbow when lowering the weight by not fully extending your arms at the bottom of the lifting motion.

Bicep Lift #2: Standing Barbell Curls

Bicep Exercises Bicep Exercises Bicep Exercises

Targeted Muscles: Biceps
Auxiliary Muscles: Forearms
The standing barbell curl targets the inner and outer bicep and will increase the width or thickness of your biceps.
Stand holding a straight barbell or curl bar with a palms-up grip. While keeping your elbows against your side, curl the bar up as far as possible and lower the weight back to its starting position until your arms are near fully extended.

While performing the standing barbell curl movement, avoid swinging your body as this will take the emphasis off of your biceps. Also, try to avoid leaning far back while raising the weight as this could lead to a lower back injury. A little lean is okay - but make sure that it is just a slight lean and not extreme enough to injure your lower back. Just as with the preacher curls, do not straighten your arms completely when lowering the weight to avoid tendon aggravation.
Bicep Exercises Bicep Exercises
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How To Build A Massive Pair Of Arms

It’s no secret that every serious lifter out there desires an impressive pair of strong, muscular arms. Who wouldn’t be happy with tall, peaking biceps sitting on top of rock-hard, horse-shoe-shaped triceps? Who wouldn’t love to have a pair of ripped, well-developed guns forcefully bursting through the sleeves of their shirt? While developing muscular arms is usually at the top of many peoples’ agenda, the reality is that the majority of lifters out there have a very poor understanding of how to properly train their arms for maximum gains. In order to gain the proper insight into effectively stimulating arm growth, we must first recognize three basic truths:
1) Relatively speaking, the biceps and triceps are small muscle groups.
2) The biceps receive heavy stimulation during all basic pulling movements for the back.
3) The triceps receive heavy stimulation during all basic pressing movements for the chest and shoulders.
What do these 3 points tell us about effective arm training? The most important thing for you to realize is this:
For maximum gains in muscle size and strength, the biceps and triceps require only a very small amount of direct stimulation!
So why is it that every time I enter the gym I see the same misinformed people, week in and week out, slaving away on endless sets of bicep curls and tricep extensions?
It’s very important to understand that the biceps and triceps receive a very large amount of stimulation from all of your chest and back training. In fact, a lot of the time when you reach muscular failure on a chest or back movement, it is actually your biceps or triceps that give out first! Couple this with the fact that your biceps and triceps are already small muscle groups to begin with and it becomes quite clear that direct arm training is of minor importance.
Remember, your muscles do not grow in the gym. The work that you accomplish as you train with weights is merely the “spark” that sets the wheels of the muscle growth process into motion. The real magic takes place out of the gym while you are resting and eating, as this is the time when your body will actually be synthesizing new muscle tissue. Because of this, it is vital that you do not overtrain your muscles. You must always make sure to provide them with sufficient recovery time if you want to see impressive results. Overtraining can actually make your muscles smaller and weaker.
If you’re looking to achieve serious arm growth, you must stop placing so much emphasis on direct arm movements. Forget about performing endless sets of concentration curls and tricep pressdowns. Strong, muscular arms are mostly a product of heavy chest and back training. If you are able to accept this basic truth and place the majority of your focus on building up the muscle size and strength in your major muscle groups, you will prevent yourself from overtraining your arms and will therefore yield greater overall gains in bicep and tricep size.
This is not to say that no direct arm training is necessary, just not very much. Here is a sample arm routine that you can use as a part of your program:
Barbell Curls – 2 sets of 5-7 reps
Standing Dumbbell Curls – 1 set of 5-7 reps
Close-Grip Bench Press – 2 sets of 5-7 reps
Standing Cable Pushdowns – 1 set of 5-7 reps
Take all sets to complete muscular failure and focus on progressing each week by using slightly more weight or performing an extra rep or 2.
If you can incorporate this way of thinking into your arm training, you will achieve arm size beyond anything you previously thought possible!
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Best exercises to get strong biceps

Starting working out, all guys dream about a big chest, ripped abs and huge biceps and triceps, and this article will be devoted particularly to getting big and strong biceps. Having strong biceps will not only allow you to beat others in arm wrestling, it’s also useful for showing off and many types of sports.
But unfortunately, many people go about building biceps the wrong way. They develop just medial part of biceps, neglecting other part, which is called the lateral head. But the problem is that ALL parts of your biceps must be built and developed, that’s why we are going to provide for you balanced biceps exercises.The basic of biceps exercises is a bicep curl. There are hundreds of different kinds of curls, which can be done with barbells and dumbbells.
To make your biceps strong, you can also perform chin ups. It’s a weight training exercise, which is performed with palms facing the body, while pull-ups are performed with your hands facing away from your body.
Don’t forget about doing seated biceps.
  1. Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your partner standing behind you. Extend your arms straight behind you with your palms facing each other. Your partner will hold your wrists for you. This will be the starting position.
  2. Attempt to flex your elbows, while your partner prevents any actual movement.
  3. After 10-20 seconds, relax your arms while your partner gently pulls your wrists up to stretch your biceps. Be sure to let your partner know when the stretch is appropriate to prevent injury or overstretching.
And add some brachialis – SMR exercise to your workout routine.
  1. Lie on your side, with your upper arm against the foam roller. The upper arm should be more or less aligned with your body, with the outside of the bicep pressed against the foam roller.
  2. Raise your hips off of the floor, supporting your weight on your arm and on your feet. Hold for 10-30 seconds, and then switch sides.
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